As I grew and eventually came out as transgender and was kicking around the idea of making a demake, I revisited Bloodborne and realized how much it meant to me.

Simona Coltello: You know the meme of being transgender and playing Bloodborne and New Vegas? Would it be bold to say Bloodborne made you Trans? Or are you making a transer version of bloodborne? [yeah i invented a new word, get over it]
Lilith Walther: This is a difficult question to answer! Bloodborne is a very important game to me, and like most things that people feel nostalgia over, I didn’t fully realize that until I revisited it years later. I played it in 2015 when it came out and didn’t think too much of it outside of how cool it was and how it pushed the ‘souls’ genre forward. As I grew and eventually came out as transgender and was kicking around the idea of making a demake, I revisited Bloodborne and realized how much it meant to me, and not only because you enter a racist town full of bigots who have all transformed into horrible monsters because of their own hubris where you befriend marganalized people to take them all down (although that is a big part of it :P) So in summary yes it made me trans, at least partially!!

SC: I wanna have fun, let’s talk a bit about From Software. They have entertained us for years with games that go beyond the current gaming industry standards (in good and bad ways), focusing mainly on gameplay over graphics. Did they influence your developing style, or just the aesthetics of your art?
LW: Fromsoftware has definately influenced my development style since long before souls was even a thing. I got on the From Software train very early when I got Armored Core 2 and have been palying their games ever since. For lack of a better term, I love how ‘videogamey’ their games are, they don’t bend over backwards to make things ‘cinematic’, they just lay out the mechanics in a straightforward way (sometimes literally with tutorial messages written down on a linear road you gotta walk down) and drop you in an interesting world and say “go” That style is very appealing to me, and even though I plan on moving on from the tranditional style of ‘slow paced third person lock on action game’, I will be applying the lessons I learned form them for the rest of my career.

SC: I guess Bloodborne Kart is top secret at the moment. But i gotta ask…is it the start of a series of demakes? Can we get a The Sims version where we can finally date Patches?
LW: EW NO LOL. In all seriousness, This is my last ‘demake’. I do really enjoy making them, but I am itching to get back to making my own original games!

SC: Being Trans* online sucks, and you have gone viral in a field that can become extremely toxic. What weapon and build would you wield to duel your haters in a PvP fight?
LW: You gotta go dex based. Maybe split with bloodtinge. Threaded cane and hunter pistol never fails me.