I don’t really think about where i place myself as an artist, I’m just a person trying to let some shit out, talk my shit to people that deserve it, for the people that deserve to be heard.

Simona Coltello: It’s January and I’m asking some random queers for a cool party on a boring Saturday night. I ended up with strangers at your event with Helltek. Babe, I haven’t had this much fun in a while, truly. Everyone was so chill but also excited. The Dj Sets were more of a performance, and I loved the chinquenera-looking place we were in. How do you place yourself in the spectrum of NYC nightlife?
Coin Stupid: Oh word, that was a fun one. I love helltekk definitely some of my favorite people out here putting shit together so i was really happy to work with them. I don’t really think about where i place myself as an artist, I’m just a person trying to let some shit out, talk my shit to people that deserve it, for the people that deserve to be heard. The label is a whole other thing, Sheep founded this label as a way to showcase themselves and their friends and it’s organically grown into what it is now. We’re all from New York, it’s more than just a special place to any of us, with a culture that’s truthfully not understood by a majority of people. We want to be able to make space for that specific person and truthfully that’s the only place we want to be in this mostly oversaturated scene.

SM: Let’s talk about DEATHBYSHEEP Records. To classify it with a genre can risk you having a stroke (I fucking love 100% CHINGON). Was it your goal or did it develop due to a mixed community around you?
CS: So CHINGON is fully Sheep’s project, mixed and edited entirely by them. Honestly it’s a really interesting release cause I love meeting who gravitates towards that mix. It’s typically the most random assortment of people but also a strong latinx community. It’s pretty cool to see. Truthfully, the sound of DEATHBYSHEEP is formed by a few factors, at least on my end. It’s a community of people that i genuinely believe in and care for as people as well as musically. We’re always experimenting as musicians and everyone on our label I believe has been groundbreaking in that sense. I really do be scouting the internet trying to find new artists, bring them on but sometimes the best shit will come to your front door.
SM: And what about your music? Your show was amazing. I see some records signed as DEATHBYSHEEP, but can’t find any solo projects. When can we expect a debut of yours?
CS: Album’s technically done, but will it come out? who knows, i like the ambiguity. makes people pay more attention. if you really want the tracks grab an h4n and bully the sound person.

SM: You know, we are waiting for you in Milan…I believe we live in two cities really similar to each other in terms of music, fashion and design importance, where every person you know is working on a million different projects at the same time. How important is NYC in the way the label and your shows have evolved aesthetically?
CS: For myself, it’s everything, again, i grew up here. life was different here when i was young and i’ve seen my city crumble twice over to a bunch of preppy college kids, tech bros and yuppie karen’s can have their new york adventure before they move back to idaho in 5 years and repeat the cycle. this concept is the core of the coi_n project, watching my childhood handball courts get torn down in place of a skatepark in my eyes is just as bad as it is good.